Now that it's the end of the week, I just want to sit back and relax and take it easy just for one day. I want to go sit outside and read a book, play nintendo wii, and take a long nap. But....I know I probably won't do any of these things, because I will just feel guilty for not accomplishing more.
This is what I accomplished yesterday:
- reviewed two more chapters of the CSCS book (I'm on the 3rd time through)
- started the "pre-course assignment" and got it halfway done
- added one article to my scholarly project paper and did some revisions to sections that needed it, making the paper 20 pages long (double spaced), but it was only 7 pages long at the beginning of break, so I have accomplished something right?
- organized my stuff for next week so that I don't have to worry about it later
- reviewed my current stack of CSCS notecards
- reviewed a couple of old anatomy notecards (I'm reviewing 2-3/day from now until Boards)
That is enough accomplishments, am I right? I should not worry about accomplishing any more today. I need a break! If I do not do any school-related activities today, it will be the first day of this 5-week break that I actually take a break. Seriously. I have a feeling, I might take a peek at my CSCS book today, but the rest of this stuff...I am really feeling like putting it aside for one day. My mind could really use a day off.
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