Friday, August 21, 2009

Where did the break go and did it ever even occur?

Would it be horrible if i just took this whole day off from studying and schoolwork in general. I've had one heck of a week. After my last post, I went out to check the air pressure in my car tires to make sure they were good to go and one of them was only at 20 psi (in case you didn't know, they are supposed to be at 44). So I take a closer look at it and there's a nail in the tire. It had to have been there the whole day I was driving around. Nice....Luckily, I have some very helpful cousins who fixed it for me and got it all patched up. It could have been worse, but it was just the start of one of those weeks.

Now that it's the end of the week, I just want to sit back and relax and take it easy just for one day. I want to go sit outside and read a book, play nintendo wii, and take a long nap. But....I know I probably won't do any of these things, because I will just feel guilty for not accomplishing more.

This is what I accomplished yesterday:
  • reviewed two more chapters of the CSCS book (I'm on the 3rd time through)
  • started the "pre-course assignment" and got it halfway done
  • added one article to my scholarly project paper and did some revisions to sections that needed it, making the paper 20 pages long (double spaced), but it was only 7 pages long at the beginning of break, so I have accomplished something right?
  • organized my stuff for next week so that I don't have to worry about it later
  • reviewed my current stack of CSCS notecards
  • reviewed a couple of old anatomy notecards (I'm reviewing 2-3/day from now until Boards)
That is enough accomplishments, am I right? I should not worry about accomplishing any more today. I need a break! If I do not do any school-related activities today, it will be the first day of this 5-week break that I actually take a break. Seriously. I have a feeling, I might take a peek at my CSCS book today, but the rest of this stuff...I am really feeling like putting it aside for one day. My mind could really use a day off.

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