Saturday, February 5, 2011

If words could make wishes come true.

It has been a bittersweet week and for the most part, I'm glad it's over. Thursday was a tough day. It is every year. My aunt passed away 2-3-06 and I will never forget. Lots of memories were brought back this week. I just focused on the happy times. Life isn't fair, that's for sure.

The next few days should be pretty busy. Today I'm spending my day off at a continuing education course on Parkinson's Disease. Not exactly how I wanted to spend my day off, but I should get at least 4 CEUs for this, so I'll survive. Tomorrow is the super bowl. Not sure what I'm doing for it yet, but I might just stay home and relax. I hate the Steelers enough to offend any of their fans, so maybe it's best to stay home, lol. Then it's back to work for another long week of craziness. I am in desperate need of a vacation :/

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