However, I'm off work today, because I can't walk without shooting pain up the side of my foot. I haven't been able to walk well since Friday. I have no idea what happened. I went running on Wednesday, because I'm training for a 5K in June and a 1/2 marathon in October. I went 3 miles on Wednesday, came home, and felt fine. I was actually quite happy that nothing hurt when I got back. Thursday I felt fine. Then Friday at work I was pretty miserable with pain in my foot and ankle every time I walked (which is all day with my job). So I had one of the PTAs do a grade 5 joint mobilization on my foot, because I thought that would make it feel better... and it did.. for about an hour. After that, I was more sore than before and could barely hobble around Columbus all weekend. Luckily we got to sit down for most of the entire conference, but even just walking from the parking lot to the conference room about put me in tears. I made a Dr.'s appointment for today and went and got an x-ray. My foot isn't swollen or anything, so she's really not sure what is wrong with it, but it's possible that I might have a Marching fracture, which is caused by repetitive activity like running (or marching). So I should know by the end of the day what the x-ray results were. Needless to say, no one was very thrilled at work that I'm not able to work today. I called by boss last night to tell her and she found someone to cover for me, but they are still not very happy. Or at least they weren't when I went to go get my x-ray there. I guess we'll see what happens. My doctor was talking about having me wear a post-op boot to see if I can make it through the workday with that if the x-ray looks ok.
Nothing else much is new with me. Things are still going good with me and Ryan. It's been a crazy month with things going on. Basketball is just finishing up. I was in Columbus all weekend this past weekend, he is in Columbus all weekend this coming weekend, and then the next weekend is the Athletic Booster's banquet and reverse drawing, which we are obviously going to, then the weekend after that is another sports banquet and the weekend after that is prom, which I am now going to. I never thought I would get asked to prom at the age of 28, but what do ya know...haha. Ryan is the class advisor for the senior class plus takes pictures for the yearbook so he has to go so I get to go. Plus I want to be nosy and see what all the kids wear and what cars they are taking. I'm pretty sure one of Ryan's sons is going to take my Mustang this year, so that's a good excuse for me to get it detailed and looking nice. His son is taking my good friend's daughter, so it will be fun to see them go together.
So all in all, I am doing nothing today other than propping my foot up on some ice and popping Alieve every few hours. Keeping my fingers crossed that it feels better by tomorrow, because I really do not have a whole heck of a lot of sick time to take for this. Wish me luck.
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