In other news, I blasted President Obama's national healthcare plan on Facebook last night, and anyone who voted yes in the unofficial poll got a rude awakening. For some reason, people think that this plan might actually benefit a majority of Americans? ha! Seriously people, go take a good hard look at what this plan really is. It's a JOKE. Unless you're on Medicaid, you might as well be prepared to suffer, because you're not going to benefit at all. It's even worse for those of us who are (or are going to be) healthcare providers. We are going to be forced to provide more care (for free) for people who have Medicaid, while people who have other forms of health insurance (Anthem, Medical Mutual, Medicare, etc.) are going to suffer because every doctor's office, hospital, and clinic is going to lose money on this.
And do you like to shop at Walmart? I know I do. I love low prices. Well, be prepared - if our President's plan passes, Walmart will be forced to provide health insurance to EVERY employee. Two things will happen - 1) there will be a massive lay-off of Walmart employees and 2) there will be no more "low prices." The price of everything at Walmart will go up to cover the cost. And it won't be just'll be every business in every city. If you thought our economy was in trouble now...just be ready for a massive fall-out. I wouldn't make any extravagant purchases at the moment anyway.
So to end this, I just ask that you please be informed as to what you're supporting if you say you support this healthcare plan. If you're reading this, obviously you have access to the internet and you can inform yourself. Find out what it really is and write to your congressmen/women if you do not agree. Please don't just go voting "yes" in unofficial Facebook polls and then give me a completely ignorant response as to why you support it.
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