Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Brilliant Scientific Thoughts...

I've been plugging away at my scholarly project every day, but I've got such a long way to go with it. It's only 12 pages long so far and it's a very rough draft. The past few days have been pretty boring and consist of: read an article / add it to the paper / save the paper / study some cscs / go outside and practice golf to take a break / read an article / add it to the paper / save the paper / study some cscs....and so on. I'm currently taking a break to write this because the next article I have to read is looking pret-ty boring, not that any of them are too exciting so far. My only excitement about it is that I finally understand what most of these authors are saying.

In non-school-related news, I took a break yesterday evening to learn a bit about quantum physics. Yes, I am fully aware that this will not be exciting to anyone but me, but I decided to study up on my idea of "parallel universes" and the fact that I really do believe that our universe was designed by a higher power (God) and that there really is a Heaven and a Hell. No, I have not gone off the deep end..I have just always had this theory that there are parallel universes (or multi-verses, whatever you want to call them) and that ours is not the only one. To me, this makes complete sense, because it would explain the idea of Heaven and Hell, it would explain dreams, and it would explain the supernatural. Now, I don't really have any mathematical formulas or laws of physics to explain it, but I can explain my idea to the best of my ability, while trying not to sound like a complete nut job.

My theory is that there are parallel universes and that we exist in more than one. I think each one has different laws of physics and different levels of thought. For example, "Heaven" would be a higher universe where your subconscious would go after you die in this universe (if you are good anyway!) and in that universe you would have a higher level of thought, where you would have proof that the other universes existed and you would be of a higher intellect. "Hell" would be like a lower universe where you would be of a lower intellect and be ignorant. Ok...I realize I'm starting to sound like a lunatic, but think about it...

You have dreams...right? What do you think causes those dreams? Everyone says it's your subconscious, but where does your "subconscious" get its ideas? How is it even possible that we have subconscious thought? I think it might be possible that dreams are actually our insight into a parallel existence. It's possible anyway.

Of course, everyone's heard of psychics. Some are phonies, that's for sure, but some seem legit. Like the ones who are able to help with murder investigations based on visions and such. Maybe it's possible that those people are of a higher intellect, like those that would be in a higher universe. It's also possible that "ghosts" (if you believe in them) are from a parallel universe and have the ability to cross from one to the other, based on what I said earlier, that a parallel universe would likely have different laws of physics than ours.

So now, after sounding like a complete idiot, I almost deleted everything I just wrote, but I decided to just get down to the point of this post. Last night, for no apparent reason, I was contemplating all of this and decided to do some research and it turns out that there is actually a real theory that is similar to my ideas. It's called "string theory / M theory." It's not entirely the same as what I've been thinking, but it's pretty close and a lot of top-notch physicists and scientists believe it. Apparently, there really is a mathematical formula that backs up this idea. I'm no genius by any means though, so I really can't tell you what the formula is or how to solve it, or what it even means. I just know that maybe there really is a Heaven and a God. It seems that this new theory has completely obliterated the "big bang theory" and that these scientists are now starting to believe that there really is a higher power that designed all of this. You should google it. It's pretty amazing stuff.

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