I'm a little nervous about my upcoming clinical. It starts in a couple weeks and I still have no idea what is going on. Last night at the presentations, one of the PT's who came as a guest speaker for class came up to me and told me that supposedly St. Luke's sent out an email asking someone to be my CI and no one responded so he said he'd do it. The problem is, he doesn't work in the Maumee office (I could be wrong, but I think he works in Perrysburg, which is even farther). So he told me he would email me and that I should call St. Luke's to get everything figured out. Well, I called this morning and they said they would call me back. Of course, no one has called me back, so I really have no idea what's going on or where my clinical is even going to be. This could have been solved very easily by putting me at the Swanton office like I requested, but oh no..everything's got to be as complicated as possible. Awesome.
So until then, I am just going to enjoy the next week and a half of days off by relaxing and trying not to stress out too much. I probably will do some orthopedics review since I feel pretty intimidated by it all. I might even watch the Gary Gray lumbar spine dvd today if I get really bored. Or I might just take a break from physical therapy for today and watch some mindless TV.
If I haven't said it already, congrats on being done and done with class work. Its a big step and now you can focus on doing the job, not doing the studying stuff. I am sure you will like it a whole lot more. :)