We had a meeting today to discuss everything that we would need to know about registering to take the boards and laws exams. It was a little frustrating that our program director is going to be out of town on the day that they want us to come back and discuss any changes that we want made to the program (although she has a good excuse for being gone). It is frustrating to know that none of my suggestions will be given to the person that they actually should be given to. And it's a little ironic that they suddenly decided not to do formal exit interviews this year. Supposedly we are going to be given some forms to fill out that we can write suggestions on, but I'm not holding my breath.
I spent the afternoon today meeting with my SP advisor to finally get my poster finished for tomorrow. Of course then the printer ran out of ink before we could print it. More ink is supposed to come tomorrow and I'm supposed to be able to pick up my poster right before the actual presentations. There's nothing like leaving everything until the very last possible minute. I hate procrastinating and I have not enjoyed being advised by someone who does. But....tomorrow it's over.
Other than school (and the lessons I have learned in the past 2 weeks about dealing with difficult people), I just learned a very valuable lesson about living in a small town. I really wish that yesterday's sermon at church had come a couple of weeks earlier so that I could have learned the lesson of "not gossiping." Now I'm paying for it. Basically, I overheard someone bad-mouthing one of my friends on Saturday and it made me pretty mad. So I told someone about how mad I was about it and that person told my friend. Now my friend is making a HUGE deal about it and getting me involved. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be disliked by many people now for it. Just when I thought that everyone in this town had finally stopped bad-mouthing ME, they're going to start again...all because I got angry over someone's gossip and then gossiped myself about it. So...the lesson to be learned here is to NOT repeat things that other people tell you, even if they are not true and they make you angry. Just keep them to yourself. I'm pretty sure I'll be paying for this one for quite some time. And just when I thought that I was going to have a nice long relaxing vacation....ugh....
Just a quick good luck with your presentation today!