Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sicky Sicky

Why am I posting in the middle of the day when I should be at work? Because I am sick...ugh. I really thought I could make it through this clinical without catching whatever it is that's going around, but no such luck. It started with body aches on Tuesday, which I attributed to lack of sleep the night before. Yesterday I was hacking and coughing all day, but the body aches weren't too bad. Today I woke up feeling horrible. The body aches are back, I'm literally tasting my lungs every time I cough, and I'm pretty sure I have a fever off and on, but I wouldn't know since I don't have a thermometer. Needless to say, I ended up having to call in sick. I called this morning and left my CI a voicemail that I would not be able to make it in. I feel horrible for calling off, especially when my CI thinks that every sickness and ache and pain is "psychological" and if you just stop thinking about it, you'll feel better. I agree with this to an extent, but when you're truly sick, you're truly sick. And I didn't want him trying to convince me that I needed to come in when I can barely hold my head up (I am currently laying on my stretched out futon watching Food Network and getting nauseous every now and then when they make something nasty - for example, Emeril just made clams).

I'm pretty sure I don't have the H1N1, but luckily I was able to start taking TamiFlu this morning and some prescription cough syrup, so keep your fingers crossed that I will feel 100% better by tomorrow, because we're only allowed to miss one day of our clinical rotation and this is my one day (lame, I know). But, instead of complaining further, I think I will sign off and attempt to sleep away this crap.

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