If there was ever a time that I felt everything was going wrong, this would be it. I have to keep telling myself that there are plenty of people out there who have it much worse than I do and that I need to calm down and just relax. I don't know if I have ever been so stressed in my entire life!
I do feel very fortunate to be able to get an apartment set up so soon after finding out that I need to move out of here. I also feel very fortunate that I have a family member with a truck and a trailer who is willing to help me move all of my stuff. So don't get me wrong, I know I could have it a lot more stressful than I do. I am lucky that I will not be homeless in a couple of weeks.
On the stressful side, I found out last night at approximately 9pm that they were coming this morning to do the house inspection at the house I'm currently living in at 9am. I was told to "have the house as clean as possible" because the realitor has seen many sales fall through because of an "unkempt" house during the inspection. So, with less than 12 hours notice, I was frantically trying to scrub every inch of this house to get it spic and span.
I also had to call this morning to set up my gas and electricity at my new apartment. There is nothing more stressful than being put on hold for 25 minutes while trying to get everything set up while getting ready to leave for work while having a home inspector and home buyer asking you 1 million questions all at the same time. Luckily, my mom was able to go to the village today and get my water set up and thank goodness, because that is one less thing that is off my plate. I did get my gas set up and electricity, but apparently First Energy does this deal where you can go ahead and set up your cable and internet and phone while you are setting up your electricity. So I decided to go ahead and do that. They set me up with the package I wanted from Time Warner and set my installation date for next Saturday between 8:30 and 12pm. Well, I go to check my confirmation email tonight and they had the address completely wrong (of course), so I call the number and they said that I have to call Time Warner directly. So I call Time Warner the automated thing tells me that my installation is going to be a week from MONDAY from 8:15 to 12pm and the real live lady tells me that they apparently do not service N. Fayette St. I told her that was interesting because I know several people who live on that street who have Time Warner for their cable. Ugh.....So then she tells me that since my address is not in their system, they have to send a technician out to check the outside and make sure that it would be serviceable and then they will call me back SOMETIME and let me know. She said she "unfortunately" had no idea when this would occur, when I would be getting a phone call about it, and when I would even be able to have my service installed. I wanted to punch someone through the phone. I kept trying to explain my situation to her and she kept telling me how "unfortunately" it would have to wait and "unfortunately" someone would "eventually" call me back. If Time Warner didn't have such a freaking monopoly on cable in Fayette, I would have told her to just cancel the whole freaking thing. I have already arranged to have someone at the apartment next Saturday to wait for the installer to come and now they're not even coming and who knows when they even will.
Needless to day, that whole situation was a bit stressful. My clinical/internship situation is still a little stressful. I know Monday next week is ridiculously busy because none of our patients wanted to come on Friday since it's the day after Thanksgiving. Apparently my last clinical site (March-April) ended up cancelling so now me and my clinical coordinator have no idea where I am going to get sent, so I have no way of knowing if I am making the right decision about where to live or not (at least for those 2 months). The reality company called me today to tell me that they're sending someone over twice next week to put some sort of radon detector in the basement when I am not here and that is always stressful knowing that there are people coming in your house when your not even there. I still have not cancelled my current cable and internet service (they don't service Fayette) and who knows how much that is going to cost me to cancel.
Blah to all this craziness! I just want a magic fairy to come down and take care of EVERYTHING for me. Or I just want to be 5 years old again and not have any of these worries or stresses. Oh well. It's definitely time to put on my big girl pants and take it in stride. Welcome to the real world. It's not all peachy keen.
Wow! I haven't been by in a while. You have had a lot going on. This whole moving thing would be very stressful. There is so much that has to be done and in your case all in a very short time. Hope you get it all worked out ok.
ReplyDeleteThanks! It has been a little stressful. I am supposed to be moving on Thursday, so I guess we'll see if it all works out, but it should :)