Saturday, January 8, 2011

Life is good. Peyton Manning is good too.

So far, so good in this boring little life of mine. I haven't had a whole lot to say in the past week or so, because I feel like I have nothing exciting to post. Work is still the same, although I have moved on up to take on a few more responsibilities...with no pay raise of course, but maybe taking on more will eventually lead to a pay raise. I evaluated and starting seeing my first outpatient yesterday. After working so long seeing rehab inpatients, I've about forgotten how to eval and treat outpatients. It was a bit of a transition, but I think it went ok. One of our outpatient therapists is on a 3 week vacation, so the rest of us are trying to fill in and I finally got my opportunity to show that I can take on some extra work. It was a little nerve-racking, but worth it. I'm going to continue to see this patient and one other outpatient next week :) But...don't get me wrong, I still love my rehab inpatients and have no aspirations to ever leave for an outpatient job.

For all of those who say they "need details" on my relationship with Dusty, well I don't have a whole lot to say, other than I am very happy with him. He is from Morenci, but his parents live in Fayette now. He goes to my church and is the youth group leader there. He is 34 and has 2 kids from a prior marriage. He is a concrete foreman. He is working and going to school to become a youth pastor. I guess that's about it :)

Well, I am going to enjoy every last second of this weekend and my time off. I have already run all the errands that I need to take care of, so it's lazy on the couch from here on out for me. The Colts play their first playoff game at 8pm tonight :) I can not stress enough how blessed I feel to have all of the things that God has put into my life at this point in time. Life is good!

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