Sunday, August 29, 2010

Walking walking walking

Wow, I am super exhausted...but the weekend was good. It was nice to have some much-needed relaxation and rest. I actually slept in until 8:30am this morning! I even accomplished a lot this weekend. I went to Toledo with my grandparents yesterday and ordered vertical blinds for a few windows in my house after spending 2 hours getting my hair done. Today I went to church, went for a walk (in the scorching 90 degree heat), and finally unpacked the rest of my stuff and got it all put away. I'd say those are some good accomplishments for one weekend.

The best part of the weekend (as selfish as it sounds) was that I spent it doing what I wanted to do, rather than what someone else wanted me to do. At this point in my life, that makes a good weekend in my book.

My plan for the upcoming week is to get up super early (before it's light out) and do my walks in the AM while it's cooler. I think it'll be nicer to get the walking out of the way before work and not have to worry about it after I get home. This will be especially nice on the days that I'm going to be rushing home from work to make it to jr. high volleyball games. I won't have to worry about forcing myself to exercise after the games are over.

With that said, I've stocked up on energy drinks and mt. dew for this week. If I'm going to be getting up at 5:30 every single day to be able to get out and get my exercise in before work, then I better have something to keep my eyelids open in the evenings or else I will be falling asleep by 6pm. I don't know why I'm such a baby. I wish I was one of those people who could stay up until midnight or later and still get up early in the mornings! Oh well....I'll do the best I can.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

To-Do List

As if I'm not busy enough with everything that is going on at work with our transition to EMR, I've been doing a lot of thinking about other things that I would like to accomplish in my lifetime. I feel like I've accomplished a lot to get to where I'm at today, but there are so many more things that I could do and want to do while I am on this earth. You can call it a "bucket list" or a to-do list, but I do feel like I have many more goals to achieve during my lifetime.

Here are a few that I already have in progress:
1. Do a half-marathon. I'm walking it, rather than running it, but I feel like this is an accomplishment that most people do not achieve in their lifetime. I'm doing it for a good cause and I'm getting healthier in the process. I'd say that's an accomplishment.
2. Teach Sunday school at church. I'm going to be teaching the junior high Sunday school class at my church this year. This is a huge feat for me, because I do not like being the leader of discussions, but I'm going to have to step up and do it, and I'm looking forward to the challenge.
3. Join an organization that gives back to the community. I have joined the Lions club (and became an official member this week).

And....(drumroll please) here is my list of other things that I would like to accomplish in my lifetime, in no particular order.
1. write and publish a book (any topic)
2. learn to speak and be fluent in another language
3. travel overseas (to another continent and the bahamas don't count)
4. run a full marathon (yes, I know I'm crazy..but someday I will do this)
5. read the entire Bible
6. open my own business (it doesn't matter if it's a physical therapy clinic or something totally unrelated)
7. sponsor a child (either overseas or right here in town)
8. invent something worthwhile
9. sky dive
10. plant a community garden to donate all of the vegetables grown to those in need of food

That's just a beginning of the things I'm going to work on now that I'm done with school and studying. These are my "life's goals," or at least a start toward them. Maybe these are my "10 year goals" anyway. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Everything happens for a reason.

Oh goodness, EMR is officially kicking my butt at work. A full day at work would not necessarily be this tiring, but it's pretty safe to say that I would be more than happy to go to bed at approximately 7pm these days if it wasn't still light outside. The transition is actually going pretty well for the most part. There are still a few things that need to be built into the system that make it a bit complicated right now, but overall, I do have to say that it's great that we are transitioning into the 21st century and the basic daily notes ARE a lot faster on the electronic system than they were on the paper system. However, I feel like my brain is fried after two weekly conferences, a full patient caseload, and typing at my laptop all day long. I don't even know how I'm coming up with the energy to type this post, other than I'm trying to distract myself from the reality of going back to work tomorrow and doing all of this over again. This is the first week since I've started that I will be putting in over 50 hours. I know that probably doesn't sound like a whole lot, but I've been going in early every morning and staying late every night. I guess this makes up for those days that I got to leave early when I first started. I won't ever feel bad for leaving work early again...if it ever even happens again.

But...I can't complain. I have a job and so far, it's a secure job. We're super busy, but that's job security at this point. I absolutely need that paycheck every 2 weeks, so bring on the challenges of being super busy at work...I'd rather be this busy and tired than worried sick over whether or not I'm going to be able to pay my bills. I work with a pretty awesome group of people who are all very supportive and helpful. You don't find that just anywhere. I feel so blessed to have this job. I am 100% sure that I made the right decision in accepting this position when it was offered to me. Even though it is stressful right now, sometimes I really don't know what I did to deserve such a great place to work. I will never take this job for granted. As much as I complain (which I shouldn't), I am so happy and thankful for the opportunities I've been given. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and I'm glad that, for the most part, everything is going just fine :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It's been a crazy couple of days with the transition to EMR at work. I think things are going alright. I'm starting to get the hang of it, despite the fact that I filled out a tab that I should not have filled out for all of our weekly conferences tomorrow. Oh well. Maybe the doctors and nurses won't be so understanding, but in my opinion, people make mistakes, and we are all going to make mistakes during this first week of getting used to it. Overall, it's much faster than doing all of the charting by hand. The only bad part about it is that for now, part of the patients' information is in their handwritten chart that is up at the nurses station, and the other part is in our computers, which technically I think we're supposed to keep in our offices as much as possible. So this afternoon, I was working on weekly summaries and realized that I had to run back and forth to the nurses station about 25 times to get the information I needed. But once everyone is in the computer from the get-go of their admission, there will be no need for that. Plus, at the end of the day today, my computer decided that it wouldn't let me log in anymore. Oh and it also decided that for most of yesterday morning. Despite the glitches, things are going well. Ask me again tomorrow and I might have a different opinion. It is just an exhausting transition right now. I only stayed about 20 minutes late today and I feel like I could go to bed right now (it's 5:50pm). But, I can't go to bed...I have the Lions club steak fry tonight!

The only other news in my life isn't that spectacular of news, but I went out on a date last weekend. It was a nice quiet evening and seemed like a very nice date. We went to the Whitehouse Inn and had dinner. We were going to see a movie, but none were playing that either of us wanted to see, so we just came back and watched some TV and the whole date was over by 10:30pm (perfect date in my book). However....let me back up a bit. This guy asked me out after he had stopped over at my house twice last week (he's one of my neighbors). He then ended up stopping over Friday night, even though our date was on Saturday, and asked me to go get ice cream with him. I thought that seemed pretty harmless (and it was), so I went. Then we went out Saturday and I still thought things went well for the most part. However, I am the "take it slow" kind of person. I do not want to rush in to any kind of relationship right now. I'm just getting my life started. I don't need to rush into going out and finding a boyfriend. I wasn't looking for a relationship when this guy asked me out. So I'm all about taking things slow and not jumping into a 24/7 type of thing by ANY means. But.....then on Sunday, I was out mowing my yard when this guy stopped over and suggested that I just "let the lawn go" and go to lunch with him and out for a ride on his motorcycle. First of all, I have a broken rib (and he knows that) so riding a motorcycle now isn't really tops on my list until that heals (which I had already told him). Second of all, I hate when people tell me what to do. Maybe I really like mowing the yard and wanted to do that anyway. I politely declined his invitation, because I already had plans anyway. I was going to train for the half marathon with my mom by doing one of our long walks that afternoon. I told him that and he seemed ok with it, but it was like I had to tell him 10 times until he understood. Now (less than 48 hours later) I see that he has called here and left a message that he wants to bring me some food over tonight. Well, that won't work because I am leaving soon for the steak fry. Regardless, maybe I'm just really selfish or maybe it's because I grew up like an only child, but can't I please just have some FREE time to MYSELF? Ugh... I absolutely can not stand when guys do this. And it happens to me all the time. I'm not bragging, because I can't stand it. But seriously...any time I have ever even shown interest in a guy, he has bombarded me with phone calls, texts, and visits every single day until I finally have to be the b*tch who tells him to back off. I really don't want to have to do this AGAIN. I really thought this guy was a good guy, and I'm sure he is, but I need my space, and I refuse to compromise that for a relationship that I wasn't even looking for. If it happens, it happens, but I'm not going to let somebody force it on me. I'm self-sufficient and proud of it. I don't need someone coming in and trying to run my life and "take care of me."

So maybe I'm mean, maybe I really am a b*tch, but I didn't call this guy back. I'm just going to go out to the steak fry and do my own thing. I am too stressed from the things going on at work and trying to get my own life together to worry about trying to find a boyfriend. If this guy is meant to be, he will understand. If he doesn't understand, then he wasn't meant to be, and I won't lose any sleep over it. I have been in a suffocating relationship in the past and I will never ever do it again. So FYI all you hot single guys out there, do not suffocate me by bombarding me every single day, or I will lose interest in you faster than you can say goodbye.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Broken ribs

Today I am home from work with a broken rib and I'm feeling very horrible and guilty about it. I actually fell about a week and half ago, but didn't really think anything of it. I fell on my side, but just figured it was sore from the fall and would go away. On Monday this week, I started to suspect that my rib was officially broken, but I tried to work through it, because a) I don't want to look like a whiner and b) I can't take any of the sick time I have built up until I have worked 90 days (which won't be until mid-September.

This morning I woke up feeling horrible. I'm usually really thirsty in the mornings, but this morning I was not thirsty at all. Food didn't even sound good (it usually doesn't in the morning, but I can usually eat something if I know I won't get a break at work before lunch). I went to work anyway, thinking that this feeling would go away by the time I got there. I tried to drink some coffee, but it just didn't feel right. I started getting worried, which was making things worse. When I got to work, I talked to one of the nurses and she told me to go over to the ER and get checked out. They did an x-ray, and come to find out, I do have a broken rib, but it's the cartilage that's broken, not the bone. They said that I don't have any other injuries internally. But I have been taking aspirin for pain, and they said that is apparently the worse thing you can take for these kinds of things and that may have been making it worse instead of better.

I got the ok to go back to work tomorrow, but today they gave me a slip for the day off. They said I could work today if I really wanted to, but didn't have to. When I got back to our department, I was told to go home and rest and that all my patients were covered for the rest of the day. I still feel really horrible for coming home. I feel horrible that this whole thing even happened. Especially now that I'm home and the shot of Toradol that they gave me in the ER is starting to kick in and I feel much better. Ugh. I hate the fact that I am not at work right now. I have a prescription for pain meds that I'm not going to fill just yet. The doctor said I could just take Alieve instead if I want to go back to work tomorrow, and that is exactly what I am going to do.

I feel horrible for whining about my problems and I feel horrible that I am sitting home doing nothing right now. Please continue to pray for Cayman Stamm and for Kellen Keiser..two kids who are going through so much right now. It makes my situation seem so insignificant.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Sometimes life just isn't fair. Why do bad things happen to good people? Sometimes it's hard not knowing why things have to happen the way they do. I have a couple of friends struggling right now with their children in the hospital and it just makes you wonder why they have to endure that, both the parents and the children. My heart breaks for them, because I can't imagine what they must be feeling. I pray that their children recover smoothy and heal from their illnesses.

Things like this really put life into perspective. I have a lot of petty complaints and things that are stressful, but in the grand scheme of things, these little stressors aren't that big of a deal. They're temporary. Life goes on. Unfortunately, there are people out there who are struggling with so much more. It makes me wish there was something I could do, but some days, you just have to sit back and pray as hard as you can.

Please pray for Kellen Keiser and Cayman Stamm.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

a long weekend before chaos

I'm trying to enjoy every last little bit of this weekend as possible. It's my "long" weekend (I have tomorrow off) since I work this Saturday, and after this Saturday, we are officially "going live" with EMR (Electronic Medical Records). I really have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to this new documentation system. I kind of have an idea of how to do it, but they held a review course at work on Friday, which I couldn't go to because someone had to stay upstairs and see patients. They are having another one tomorrow, which I can't go to because I'm off work. So they told me that I could "ask some questions" this Wednesday if I want to go over anything. ha. It's going to be a big joke. I'm not looking forward to it at all. All I really know is, I have my own laptop and will be doing all of my documentation back at my desk where there are no windows and hardly anyone to talk to. I think I might just carry my laptop out to another part of the hospital to do my documentation, because I refuse to sit in the boring, dark office trying to figure out how to write a daily note.

Not much else is new in my life. I'm feeling very comfortable in my new home. I really love it here. I feel so blessed to have this place. I'm starting to prepare to teach jr. high Sunday school this fall. It's beginning in about a month, so I'm trying to put some ideas together. I'm actually looking forward to it. The past few Sundays, it's been really great to see how our church is growing and thriving. It's amazing how much Pastor Kathy has done to improve our church and draw everyone in. I feel like God has a hand in what's going on with our church right now. We are so blessed that it is improving.

I'm also in training right now to walk a half marathon. That doesn't sound like a whole lot to the average person, but it's more than you would think! It's 13.1 miles. My mom and I are training together. At first, I was thinking of training to run it, but with the whole moving process, I didn't think I would have enough time or energy to train to run it. So we are training to walk it together. Right now, we're at about 4 miles. I know we could go farther than that easily, I'm just not so sure about going right out and doing 13 miles right now. We have a ways to go in our training. The half marathon isn't until October 17 in Columbus. We our all signed up for it with our hotel reservations made, so there is no backing out now. But it's for a good cause. We are walking for Team K-Bob (the team for Kellen). We're getting sponsors to raise money for Kellen and his family, so if anyone out there is interested in sponsoring me to walk the half marathon, please email me or get ahold of me and I will send you the information.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

i am blessed

I am finally all settled into my new home. The cable guy came today and (half-heartedly) installed my cable/internet/phone. I have gone all week without it. The only channel I could get to come in on my antennae was PBS and that was getting very boring. Now, I finally feel at home.

This last Thursday night, my mom and I cleaned out the last few things from the apartment. I'm turning the keys in on Monday. It's kind of sad to be leaving that apartment. It really was a good place to live. But I can't even describe how nice it is to have an attached garage and a yard and not have to climb up 22 steps every day (especially after buying groceries). Plus, I have the nicest neighbors around. They have all been very nice and welcoming. It's a definite plus to know that there are so many people looking out for me and since most of my neighbors are retired, I know they will keep a good watchful eye on my house during the day while I'm at work.

I really can't complain. I'm enjoying life to the fullest right now. Sometimes I wonder why I have been blessed with so much, while there are others out there with so many struggles. I could my blessings every day while praying for those others that aren't as fortunate. I want to do everything I can to help other people who don't know what it's like to be provided with so much as I have.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


We're making slow, but steady progress on the house. It's a little difficult to get too much done with working and everything else that's going on. It's been very busy! But busy in a good way. It's been nice to spend some extra time with family. This weekend is the Bullthistle festival. On top of all the festivities, I am in desperate need of a trip to Walmart and I also need to finish painting the trim in my bedroom. The plan right now is to move most everything on Sunday afternoon and Monday evening, as long as it doesn't rain. Once that is accomplished, I will feel so relieved! I am living out of 2 separate homes right now and I feel like I don't know where I should be or what I should be doing. All of my food, kitchen items, winter clothes, and cleaning supplies are at the new house. All of my other stuff is here at the apartment. I'll be glad when it's all in once place together!

For now, I'm going to go help set up the Lions club booth at the park for this afternoon. I will be making milkshakes until 1 for anyone who wants to stop by!

Monday, August 2, 2010

House update

The first coat of paint is up in the bedrooms :) I'm happy that the color I chose for my bedroom turned out to look ok once it got on the wall. I was a little nervous after I saw the little droplet on the top of the can, but it looks nice on the wall. The second bedroom also has a coat of paint up and it looks great too. I'm happy with the colors I chose, although I'm pretty sure both bedrooms will need paint touch-ups tomorrow or maybe even a 2nd coat. A man from my church came over today while I was at work and put up the trim around the doors that didn't have it. It looks so much better. He's coming over tomorrow to see about fixing my front screen door (it doesn't shut right) and to put up the little shelves that go up on the outside of the cabinets by the sink. Once that is done and we get the bedroom carpets cleaned, I will be good to go to start moving in furniture! I'm very excited. It turns out they are delivering my furniture (well, the new stuff I bought, not all of the furniture I currently own) on Wednesday night. I still have to wait until the 14th to get my cable/internet/phone hooked up, but oh well. I'll probably still move in before then and if I need something to do for entertainment, I will just go outside and sit in the peace and quiet and read a book. It looks like I might be able to actually move in by early next week (or whenever I can get a moving crew to help me out).