Thursday, August 26, 2010

To-Do List

As if I'm not busy enough with everything that is going on at work with our transition to EMR, I've been doing a lot of thinking about other things that I would like to accomplish in my lifetime. I feel like I've accomplished a lot to get to where I'm at today, but there are so many more things that I could do and want to do while I am on this earth. You can call it a "bucket list" or a to-do list, but I do feel like I have many more goals to achieve during my lifetime.

Here are a few that I already have in progress:
1. Do a half-marathon. I'm walking it, rather than running it, but I feel like this is an accomplishment that most people do not achieve in their lifetime. I'm doing it for a good cause and I'm getting healthier in the process. I'd say that's an accomplishment.
2. Teach Sunday school at church. I'm going to be teaching the junior high Sunday school class at my church this year. This is a huge feat for me, because I do not like being the leader of discussions, but I'm going to have to step up and do it, and I'm looking forward to the challenge.
3. Join an organization that gives back to the community. I have joined the Lions club (and became an official member this week).

And....(drumroll please) here is my list of other things that I would like to accomplish in my lifetime, in no particular order.
1. write and publish a book (any topic)
2. learn to speak and be fluent in another language
3. travel overseas (to another continent and the bahamas don't count)
4. run a full marathon (yes, I know I'm crazy..but someday I will do this)
5. read the entire Bible
6. open my own business (it doesn't matter if it's a physical therapy clinic or something totally unrelated)
7. sponsor a child (either overseas or right here in town)
8. invent something worthwhile
9. sky dive
10. plant a community garden to donate all of the vegetables grown to those in need of food

That's just a beginning of the things I'm going to work on now that I'm done with school and studying. These are my "life's goals," or at least a start toward them. Maybe these are my "10 year goals" anyway. Wish me luck.

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