Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The end of an era...or maybe just 2009

May I just say that this 3 week break is going by entirely too fast? I am not very happy about the fact that it is half over. Any time I feel even the least bit bored, I tell myself that I should just lay around and enjoy the boredom while it lasts, which is what I tried to do today. I have accomplished a couple of things, but not near as much as I would have liked by this point in time.

Finished my resume
Re-arranged my bedroom so I don't have to lay cock-eyed to watch TV
Found out what is wrong with my car and made an appointment to have it fixed

Yet to be Accomplished:
Write cover letters
Prepare for the next internship
Start studying for boards

With that said, I better either get motivated to finish my goals or just sit back and enjoy the rest of my break without stressing about them. I did find out my schedule for Wildwood (my next internship). I'm working Monday thru Wednesday and Fridays from 7:30am to 6:30pm with Thursdays off. If I'm not mistaken, that is technically 44 hours instead of 40, but I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and telling myself that the extra 4 hours will be worth my time. I am also pretty excited that I will not be spending $25/week on the turnpike for 8 weeks to get there.

So, obviously there are big things to come in 2010. I'll be doing two new internships, graduating from graduate school with my doctorate degree, and with any luck passing my boards and getting a job. 2009 definitely had its ups and downs, and while it wasn't as sh*tty as 2006 (it doesn't get any worse than that one), it sure wasn't my best year yet. I am so ready for a new year and a new start. 2009 brought two very crappy things: weight gain and lost friendships.

My plan for 2010 is to finally show the world what I was put on here to do: make it a better place by helping other people. I will finally have a purpose in this world and that's what makes it so special. Not only is it the beginning of a new decade, but it's the beginning of my purpose here. I'm pretty much starting over in all aspects of my life. I'm only going to surround myself with positive people, those who have a positive impact on my life. I'm going to get serious about my health and make a conscious effort to "practice what I preach" by staying in shape, getting in better shape, and living a healthier lifestyle. I am going to take more time to appreciate my family and all of my friends. I'm going to spend less time laying on the couch feeling sorry for myself and more time out and about and enjoying life! I wouldn't call these things "new years resolutions" because they're not just for the new year. They're a commitment for the future and I'm starting today.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Christmas was a little different for me this year, but I still enjoyed it. My mom left this morning to go see my brother and his family. It's my nephew's first Christmas, so I know she couldn't resist being there for that! She was very excited to go. I had my Christmas with her this morning and then we left for the airport. I have to say that most years I have wanted to save all of my gifts for the end so that I could be the last one opening them, but this year I was so excited about the things that I bought for her, that I wanted to save hers until the end and watch her open them. I think she was happy with what I bought for her. I was pretty excited because I got all of the main things I wanted: a smaller george foreman grill with temperature control and removable plates, king sized pillowcases for my big pillows, a Walmart gift certificate, a tool set, and a basket of canned goods that someone had out-bid me on at our church's silent auction, plus a few other things. I also stole some chips and cheese dip at my Ziegler family Christmas last night (I am all about the food), which included 2 dos equis (XXs), so now I am "the most important (wo)man in the world and have discovered that you can not just screw the tops off of expensive beer, but in a pinch a can opener can substitute for a bottle opener just fine. So I hope everyone has had a good of a Christmas (or any holiday you celebrate) as I have! I am currently so stuffed full of food, I'm not sure if I am even going to have the energy to waddle downstairs to the Buckboard Christmas party, but I think I will manage somehow ;)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Official break time

Ah, so now it's time for some relaxation! 3 weeks of it! I'm trying not to think about the fact that this is my last "Christmas break" until retirement in about 50-60 years. You can bet I am enjoying every minute of it though! I've had a very relaxing weekend. Just trying to get some cleaning done around the house and organize all of the things that I just threw in a pile in the closets when I moved in. Tomorrow, my big plans are to go get my hair done, finish my Christmas shopping, probably upgrade to a new cell phone that I can actually use, and then come home and wrap gifts. I'm still debating whether or not to go Christmas caroling with my church tomorrow night, but since I'm not working late and it will more than likely put me in the Christmas spirit, I probably will. As for today, I plan to just lay around and watch football, take a nap, and do a whole lot of nothing.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

most annoying quotes from my CI

There is officially only one more day left at my clinical. I have to say that although it has gone by fast, and I know I am going to miss it, I am actually glad this one will soon be over. It seems like my CI has been super nit-picky this week, but that might also be because I have been itching for Friday and to get this show on the road already. However, just to give you a taste of how this has gone, I will give you a list of a few of the most ridiculous comments I have heard my CI say this week.

- To a few of the patients on my caseload - "Get ready, because this is the end of your easy sessions. You're not gonna be on vacation anymore. This is Maren's last week, so next week you are going to be seeing me. Get ready to do some real work."

- "I just got done failing you." - after filling out the clinical performance instrument (CPI) for me that we both have to fill out at midterm and final.

- He suggested some self-help books and audio tapes for me that he thinks are really motivating. I said I would check my local library for them, but I doubt they have them so I might have to do the inter-library loan for them. My CI says, "Waterville library has them." I say, "I'm not sure I want to drive all the way to Waterville. It's out of the way for me now." My CI goes on a tyrade, "Well I guess I just wasted my time suggesting these books to you! That right there tells me that you're not serious and you are not interested, so I will just back off. If you're not willing to drive to Waterville for this information, I guess it's not that important to you is it?" About 30 minutes later he says......"Yeah I just go to Owens library to get these physical therapy books. I hate driving all the way to the MCO campus. It takes forever to get there."

- "I only wrote these comments on your CPI because I know that's what Amy wants to hear. That's not how I really feel, but she's kinda weird, so I just wrote what she would like to read."

- Wednesday, he had me see a patient that was on HIS caseload. They had been doing advanced core exercises, so I started working with the patient on the same advanced core exercises to see if he had mastered them. My CI comes running out screaming, "NO! NO! NO! He is NOT ready for those yet! See how he is shaking! He can't even do it! Have him do the basic core exercises that we give to everyone." So I start the patient with the basic core exercises (which include abdominal crunches). My CI comes running over and says, "NO! He is NOT ready for abdominal crunches! Have him do all of the core exercises except for those!"

- Today we had a Christmas pot luck with the people who work at the Occupational Health Dr's office next to us. I busted my butt last night making pasta salad for it when I really just wanted to go to bed and forget about it. We had a patient today from 11:45 - 12:30, but the people from the Dr's office started getting the food out at noon. They asked me why I wasn't coming in and I said, "because I have a patient." The nurse replied, "Well Mike said that you didn't have any patients until 12:30 so that's why we're starting now. Sorry about that!" I stayed in the gym, saw my patient while my CI gobbled down the food at the pot luck with everyone else. He came in at the end of the treatment and says, "All the food is gone." I finish seeing my patient and go in the little kitchen area to eat bits of leftovers all by myself. What a fun pot luck.

- In front of a patient, my CI says, "I was willing to sacrifice my body for you to be able to palpate the scalenes (neck muscles), but you never asked, so I guess you really don't care. You are going to wish you had asked me."

- "When I offer to let you practice on me, you act like you just want to rush right through it. I guess that means you really don't care about manual therapy." To this, I wanted to scream - WELL, that's because you make me palpate your PSIS and ischial tuberosities while you unbuckle your belt! Who wouldn't want to rush through that and forget about it. It's one thing if it's a patient, it's a whole other thing when it's your CI and the medical secretary walks in wondering what the heck is going on.

-"This book changed my life. I base all of my treatment sessions around this book. It's amazing." Really? Because I've never seen, heard of, or read this book in my entire life, but you want me to read your mind and be able to treat all the patients like I have seen this book before.

-"There is no such thing as a complex patient." When I asked him if it was ok to do soft tissue massage over a skin graft for a patient who had an overuse injury to her arm.

-"She (me) doesn't care. She's leaving after this week anyway." to several patients.

Friday, December 11, 2009

No complaints for once

God really does work in mysterious ways. I just found out that my last clinical is going to be in Montpelier. I am super excited about this, because it's only 20 minutes away from where I live. However, with all the stress of moving to Waterville and then moving back from Waterville, it looks like it all ended up working out for the best anyway! The drive from Waterville to Montpelier is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes one-way. Yep, it's safe to say that I'm pretty glad I got moved back to Fayette. Plus, with any luck, and please please cross your fingers, this will help me get hired in at either Bryan, Archbold, or Montpelier, as they are all affiliated with the Community Hospitals of Williams County and I have already done my 8-week acute care clinical at Bryan.

My scholarly project is officially done and out of my hair. It was pretty much done before, but my advisor just asked me to make some grammatical changes and little things, which I just finished doing and emailed it back to him. The 28 pages that took me 3 years to compile are now complete and anyone who wishes to read this paper can receive a copy via email if you so desire. However, I will warn you that it took me over 1 year to even understand the words I was typing on the pages.

I'd like to think that maybe some things are going to start working out in my favor. I really have no complaints at the moment, other than the fact that my car is acting up so I really need to make an appointment to have it looked at. Overall, I have nothing to whine about, which is refreshing. I only have one more week at my current clinical site. Despite the insanely long drive every day, I really am going to miss it. I am really starting to feel confident in my abilities and now that my CI is treating me like his colleage, it's really been nice to work there. Today, we were not that busy in the morning, so my CI and I spent that time having a good discussion. I have learned so much from him and I now feel like I can actually talk to him and respond intelligently to the things his says, rather than just smile and nod and pretend like I understand. I'm excited to take the things he has taught me and put them to use on my own. Even though I whined and complained at times over the past couple of months, I really have taken this clinical for granted. I know I am going to miss it.

However, this weekend I plan on doing a whole lot of relaxing and possibly starting some Christmas shopping on Sunday. The past couple of weekends have been so hectic and busy. It will be so nice to sleep in tomorrow and lay around doing nothing for one whole day. I can't wait.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

another week (almost) down

It's almost the end of another week. Week 7 is just about in the books and I'm oh so close to having just one week left to go. How crazy is that? This clinical has gone by so fast, despite the long drives and craziness of moving twice during the 8 week time period. Looking back, as much as I have complained about this clinical experience, I have to say that I am very fortunate to have had it. There are not many clinics like this one, and I would give anything to have a job in the setting where I just completed my clinical internship. No job is perfect, but this one was pretty darn close. I realized this evening that I really shouldn't complain about it at all, even if we are super swamped and have to stay late, I should have enjoyed it more while it lasted. At least I have one more week to make the most of it.

My new apartment is pretty much feeling like home. Even if I do have the furnace only set at 62 degrees and it is SUPER cold in here. Everyone who comes in here is jealous of the fact that I have such an awesome place. You can bet that I really do feel fortunate for being able to live here. It was a chaotic road, but I'm glad I made it to where I'm at. I plan to stay here for a long time to come. With that said, I think I will go start the fireplace and relax for the remainder of the evening :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

another day in the books..

Why can't all days be as good as today? I went to work today with a positive attitude, knowing that we were going to be super busy. It actually turned out to be a great day! Being so busy this afternoon made it fly by so fast. My CI let me pretty much be THE PT and see all the patients. He just stepped in whenever necessary to do some of the specialized manual therapy that he does, but for any of the basic manual therapy and regular treatments, he let me just do my own thing. Not only did it make me feel like he trusts me enough to do that, but it made me feel like his colleage (sp?), rather than his student. It was a good day. I wish they all could be like this one. Tomorrow we are not so busy, so it's either going to be a looooong day, or the doctor that is working in the doctor's office next door will decide to send us a billion evals at the end of the day. Oh well...if so, it'll be a learning experience I guess. I will say, it was nice to come home at the end of the day today and turn on the TV to something other than PBS and check my email.

This morning was our first "snow" of the winter. I really need to quit watching channel 11 before I leave for work. I only watch it to see if there are any accidents on the turnpike that I need to avoid, since you really can't get off the turnpike easily if there's an accident ahead. But they were warning everyone that the roads were SOOOO bad and that everyone in Toledo was only driving 10 miles per hour because it was so snowy and that there were tons of accidents on 475 and I-75. So I rushed around to get ready and left 10 minutes early so that I would make it there on time and the only slippery spots the whole way there were the on and off ramps of the turnpike. Although, I will say that some people do drive like idiots when it's snowy and icy out and there actually were quite a bit of accidents on the expressway (or so I heard from patients). I wish people would just put things into perspective. Being late to work is less of a hastle than wrecking your car and not even making it to work.

Not much else is new with me. I just got an email from my scholarly project advisor telling me that my paper looks good and that I just need to make some "minor" changes here and there. Luckily I just need to make a few grammatical changes and that paper will be over and done with. I still don't know where my last clinical is going to be. It would be nice to know where I'm going. I'd like to think that I'll get to go to Montpelier, since that is so much closer to home. Let's all keep our fingers crossed and hold our breath. lol. I also really need to start studying for boards ASAP, but I'm pretty sure that after this clinical is over (in 9 more working days, but who's counting?) that I will take a full week to just lay around my apartment and do absolutely nothing besides watch mindless television and be lazy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Well, I am all settled in to my new apartment, and after a couple of weeks of watching nothing but PBS and not being able to call anyone since our Alltel tower isn't working here in Fayette, I FINALLY have tv, internet, and phone service. Thank goodness. Even though I still have to call and cancel what I had before (they don't service here in Fayette) and I will probably have to pay a lot of money for that, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The first night I was here, I had to "rough it" with no heat or water, so even though it wasn't very convenient to go without tv, internet, or phone service, I managed. I can be honest though and say that I really did not want to go any longer than this.

Someday soon, although probably not until after this clinical is over, I will post some pictures of my new place. I really do like it here. I might have something different to say after I get my first gas and electricity bill, because I have a feeling that it's a little pricy to heat this place, but all in all, I'm glad to be living back in town and have a place of my own. It doesn't hurt to have a bar right downstairs and the grocery store within 20 ft. I have even managed to figure out how to work the fireplace, which was quite convenient since it was 17 degrees this morning when I dragged my butt out of bed (on a saturday) to go renew my CPR certification for 4 hours. Blah...but at least it's over and I passed.

My clinical is going pretty good. My CI still says some things sometimes that get under my skin, but for the most part, it's really going well and I feel like I have been learning a lot and making progress. It's hard to believe that there are only 2 weeks left. It has gone by so fast. I will definitely miss this outpatient clinic. I have a feeling that Wildwood (my next clinical) is going to be super fast paced and intimidating. I'm glad I had this experience first before heading there. On the plus side, Wildwood is only 40 minutes away, while my current clinical is 55 minutes one way and I am currently filling my gas tank every single day and paying $3.50/day on the turnpike. I'm getting robbed. Seriously.