Friday, August 20, 2010

Broken ribs

Today I am home from work with a broken rib and I'm feeling very horrible and guilty about it. I actually fell about a week and half ago, but didn't really think anything of it. I fell on my side, but just figured it was sore from the fall and would go away. On Monday this week, I started to suspect that my rib was officially broken, but I tried to work through it, because a) I don't want to look like a whiner and b) I can't take any of the sick time I have built up until I have worked 90 days (which won't be until mid-September.

This morning I woke up feeling horrible. I'm usually really thirsty in the mornings, but this morning I was not thirsty at all. Food didn't even sound good (it usually doesn't in the morning, but I can usually eat something if I know I won't get a break at work before lunch). I went to work anyway, thinking that this feeling would go away by the time I got there. I tried to drink some coffee, but it just didn't feel right. I started getting worried, which was making things worse. When I got to work, I talked to one of the nurses and she told me to go over to the ER and get checked out. They did an x-ray, and come to find out, I do have a broken rib, but it's the cartilage that's broken, not the bone. They said that I don't have any other injuries internally. But I have been taking aspirin for pain, and they said that is apparently the worse thing you can take for these kinds of things and that may have been making it worse instead of better.

I got the ok to go back to work tomorrow, but today they gave me a slip for the day off. They said I could work today if I really wanted to, but didn't have to. When I got back to our department, I was told to go home and rest and that all my patients were covered for the rest of the day. I still feel really horrible for coming home. I feel horrible that this whole thing even happened. Especially now that I'm home and the shot of Toradol that they gave me in the ER is starting to kick in and I feel much better. Ugh. I hate the fact that I am not at work right now. I have a prescription for pain meds that I'm not going to fill just yet. The doctor said I could just take Alieve instead if I want to go back to work tomorrow, and that is exactly what I am going to do.

I feel horrible for whining about my problems and I feel horrible that I am sitting home doing nothing right now. Please continue to pray for Cayman Stamm and for Kellen Keiser..two kids who are going through so much right now. It makes my situation seem so insignificant.

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