Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 1 - done!

I survived Day 1 of work as a licensed PT. It was so nice to see everyone again and get back in the swing of things, but it was actually a pretty slow day. It started off with about an hour of orientation, then just following my "mentor" around all day. I was going to do some evals later in the day to start up my own case load, but it ended up that the people who were supposed to be evaluated did not get admitted, so I had no evals. I did, however, get to go with one of the patients on a Recreational Outing for lunch to the 4 Seasons, which was great. We got to eat good food and leave the hospital for about an hour and a half. It's too bad I can't recommend Rec Outings for all my patients. I'd be going out for lunch every day if I could!

I see on tomorrow's schedule I don't have any patients of my own yet either. So it'll likely be another slow day unless we can get some patients admitted and I get to evaluate them. I'm actually really looking forward to that, because all of this "following people around" is making me feel like a student again. But, maybe I should enjoy it while it lasts, because I'm getting paid regardless! I'm thinking I will probably frame my first paycheck. We just get pay stubs because the money is direct deposited, so I might just have to frame my stub just because I have worked so hard and waited so long for it!

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