Thursday, June 17, 2010

Time keeps on slipping

Ahh this week is going by much too fast. As excited as I am to start working (and make some money), I know this is the last "vacation" I will have for a while. My vacation time doesn't kick in until mid-September, and even then, it has to build up. I'm thinking that this year, I will just let it build up and not use it, so that next year I can have 3 weeks of vacation time. At least that's the way the person in HR explained it to me when I went yesterday to get all of my paperwork done. Sounds good to me!

I have really enjoyed doing pretty much nothing all week this week. I've watched enough of the World Cup to almost actually understand Soccer. I read a book and I'm working on a 2nd one. I started knitting again...yes knitting. I attempted to crochet, but it was too hard, so I'm just sticking with knitting for now until someone can explain to me how to crochet in person. Besides, the only type of knitting I really knew how to do was just knit every row until I had a long scarf. Now I am teaching myself how to purl (it took 2 days...sigh) and mix other colors into my work! I'm currently working on another scarf, but this one is going to be purple and lime green and it will even have fringe. We'll see if I end up actually doing a decent job or just throwing it away when I'm done. I'm very excited about this hobby because it is inexpensive. I'm trying to save up money, because another thing I've been doing is watching too much HGTV and it's making me want to buy a house really bad. Maybe in another year if I can actually be disciplined enough to save. It's really difficult when I want all these other things like a new car and new furniture. Guess I'll have to just make do for a while until I get the house I want to put it all in.

Nothing else is new with me. I have a softball tournament on Saturday. I put this team together myself and I'm pretty sure we are not going to win, haha...but it'll be fun. I guess if we are the worst team out there, we can still laugh at ourselves and have a good time. It's for a good cause anyway. The proceeds go to help pay for the funeral expenses for a guy in town who passed away suddenly about a month ago.

My diet and exercise plan is still ongoing...the past couple of days haven't been the greatest, but I think I'm still doing good. I don't have my Insanity DVDs yet, but I've gone out on a few runs with my new running shoes and they feel great. No knee pain at all! Now I just need to figure out how to keep eating healthy and find time to work out after I start back to work. I'm pretty sure that's going to be a lot more challenging than it is now when I have nothing better to do.

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