Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I survived another day

Well, I shockingly survived my presentation. although I'm not sure how. Maybe everyone realized just how super nervous I was and decided not to ask me any difficult or ridiculous questions, or maybe I just wowed them all with my vast array of knowledge that they couldn't think of anything more to ask me or maybe everyone just wanted to get the heck out of there and go eat lunch. Who knows. Either way, I survived. I was almost in tears this morning though because the other girl at my clinic who is in my class had her husband help her with her brochure and he is a graphic designer so he had this awesome computer program that he used to put together her brochure and make the pictures look awesome. Dummy here (me) only had access to Microsoft Word and had a printer that was about out of ink so had to print brochures that looked like a 5 year old made them. I was super close to just calling it quits, bawling like an idiots, and giving up this morning. Luckily, I stuck it out and made it through the presentation and no one made me feel like an idiot.

And let me just say THANK GOODNESS THAT IS OVER. With the all day seminar coming up on Saturday (that I will have to get up at 4:30am for and won't get home till 5pm), it's safe to say that I am very much looking forward to my Thursday off this week. I just have to get through tomorrow and then I will be spending all day Thursday sleeping and doing NOTHING. I can not wait. I'll watch some mindless television and do absolutely nothing productive what-so-ever. I will call it a "productive day" if I even get out of my pajamas. Seriously. I should study for boards or work on my resume, but I refuse. I'm going to do NOTHING.

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