Thursday, February 25, 2010

Misery loves company

It will be a miracle if I even make it out of my pajamas today. Yes I woke up early (because I fell asleep at 9), but I don't plan on doing much of anything productive today. This week has been hectic. Yesterday we were booked through lunch and then triple booked at the end of the day. It's really getting old. I also don't think it's fair to our patients that they get shoved into the same appointment slots at 3 other people. I don't ever want to work in a clinic like that. I also felt like my feet were burning and ready to fall off at the end of the day yesterday from running around from patient to patient for 11 hours straight. Now that my presentation is done, I could spend my day off today actually studying for boards without anything else hanging over my head. However, I have to spend all day Saturday at a seminar, so I've chosen to do absolutely no studying today so that I actually get an "official" day off.

With that said, I've realized that this blog has been all about me whining again, and that's not what I wanted it to be at all. Yes, it's a good way to vent, but I'm sure all my loyal readers aren't getting much of anything out of it. In fact, I don't even know if I have any loyal readers anymore. But, I just thought I would share a few positive or uplifting things in addition to my earlier complaints in an attempt to make this post a little happier. So the following is a list of good things that are going on in my life.

  • I only have 5 working days left. I should not have any evals tomorrow afternoon because my CI has the afternoon off, so let's all keep our fingers crossed that I actually get to leave at 6:30.
  • The week after next is spring break! I don't have anything exciting planned, because I wanted to use those days to sleep in and study for boards, but I am taking one day to go shopping all day. I'm excited and in desperate need of new clothes and shoes.
  • It's staying light out longer and it's almost time to change our clocks. I actually got to see a bit of daylight yesterday both in the morning when I got to work and a tiny bit when I was leaving. It won't be long until I don't feel like a vampire anymore.
  • I found out that my hours at Montpelier (my last clinical) are Monday thru Friday from 8-4:30. I am so excited. I won't know what to do with myself if I am actually home by 5pm every day. I thought working four 10s would be great, and I do enjoy having the day off during the week, but I hate missing out on everything that happens in the evenings because I don't get home until late. Case in point, I am making pancakes and sausage for supper tonight to make up for the fact that I missed the pancake and sausage supper that the PTO had. I shouldn't miss out on a whole lot of that kind of stuff after next week.
  • It's almost time to get the Mustang out and start driving it again. If my other car can just hold out for about 6 more weeks, it will have survived PT school.
  • My new hair style looks pretty amazing if I do say so myself. I gave up on the lighter highlights and went for dark red instead. I think it looks a lot better. I even had a patient tell me the other day that she really liked my "purple hair." I wouldn't go so far as to call it "purple" but if I keep getting fun compliments like those, I'll stick with it.
  • I'm currently contemplating taking a vacation at the end of school. I haven't really decided yet, but I'm thinking maybe the week after I take boards just taking off and going somewhere. Once I start a job, who knows that the vacation day benefits may be starting out, so I'm thinking of getting one in before I start working in the real world. Even if I don't end up going anywhere, it's fun to think about.
So I'll end with fun and happy thoughts instead of miserable and depressing whining today. After I post this, I am going to gear up to watch some mindless television. Yipee!

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