Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day

Well, it looks like we're in for the "blizzard of 2010" or something along those sorts that channel 11 news will call this. We're expected to get 12+" of snow between today and tomorrow. I woke up this morning at 5am to a tiny bit of snow, watched the news and there were no cancellations, went to get around for work, came back to the tv and there were tons of cancellations. I look outside and just in that 45 minutes time, we had over 2 inches of snow on the ground. I went out to my car and started to leave, got 1 mile out of town, and turned around. I could barely see where I was going and the snow was drifting all over the road.

I ended up calling off of work and they acted pretty mean about it. I feel horrible. I know it's a clinical and I really should be there unless it is a level 3 snow emergency, but I really did not feel safe driving there today. I know that these conditions are only going to get worse and most of our patients will probably cancel their appointments anyway. I suppose it would be different if I was in an acute care setting for my clinical, but I'm not, and I would be so bitter if I risked my life to get to work and then all the patients canceled anyway.

Needless to say, however, I do feel pretty horrible for calling off. Now that it's getting light out, it doesn't look as bad as it did when it was dark this morning. But they keep saying how it's going to get a lot worse and I, for one, did not want to get stuck in Toledo. I also didn't want a totaled vehicle right before graduation. I guess I will just pay the price of getting lectured about it and probably having to make the day up later on. I am by far not a baby when it comes to driving in bad weather. I can drive in some pretty crappy conditions, but this I refuse to drive in. Everyone can call me a baby and lecture me for my "lack of work ethic" all they want, but I have been on time every single day and willing to stay late every single night. If I want to play it safe and stay home, I should be able to do that without any receptionists getting snotty with me for calling in. Oh well...guess I'll just sit here and feel guilty all day!

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