Saturday, October 17, 2009

PT school = gray hair

I have thoroughly been enjoying my time off before the start of my next clinical. My mom and I spent a day shopping in Ft. Wayne and it was very much needed. I sold my elliptical a week ago (I couldn't use it anymore because of my knees) so I had extra shopping money. It's always a good trip when you have to walk back to the car to unload your heavy bags halfway through. The only sad part of the day was getting into Indiana on the way there and seeing snow covering people's parked cars. Ugh. I'm really not ready for snow. I even had to buy a new winter coat, which was on sale from $210 to $130 :) so at least I saved money.

I found out last week that my next clinical did get moved to Perrysburg. I wasn't thrilled, because that's even farther away.'s just off of I75, so it might not be as bad of a drive since I can avoid all the city traffic. It is going to cost me $150 in turnpike tolls though, that is only if I get around to purchasing the sensor thing for the EasyPass so I save 50 cents each way. I also found out my hours. Mon/Wed/Fri I work 10-6:30 and Tues/Thurs I work 7-3:30. I'm not too sure how I feel about these hours yet. For example, Monday nights, I won't get home until after 8pm and then I'll have to get up by 5am to get back there on Tuesday. But, I will get to be home somewhat early on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so we'll see how it goes. The only thing I really am looking forward to is finally doing a clinical in an outpatient orthopedic setting. No more IVs and gaping hospital gowns. Plus, my CI seems pretty cool (at least from when he talked to our class), so it should be a good experience.

I'm planning to spend this upcoming week preparing for the clinical and studying up on a lot of my anatomy (since my CI said "know your anatomy" at least 20 times in the class lecture) and orthopedics. I'm also going to finish up my resume and get my cover letters ready. Even though it sounds like we won't officially be able to start working until June (if and when I pass my boards), I'm ready to get out there and find a job and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need an early start since our economy is so crappy. I also have a hair appointment on Monday to cover up all of the gray hairs that inevitably started coming in a couple of weeks ago :( I knew I'd probably start getting gray hairs soon, and probably all the stress from the last few weeks of class didn't help. I'm not sure what all I am going to do with my hair yet, but you can bet, I won't just sit back and let it all turn white and think that it's "pretty."

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