Friday, October 23, 2009

Scared and Nervous...

Well, I'm making the big move tomorrow (as long as it doesn't rain). I am pretty scared. I shouldn't be, because it's only 45 minutes away from home and I am just being a big baby. But, I know I'm going to be homesick. There are two types of people who grow up in Fayette - those than can't wait to leave and those that never want to leave. I am the second type. But...the time has come for me to change. No one in their right mind would turn down an opportunity like this. It would have been so foolish to say no. I know I can make this work. However, my first week or so will be without tv or about lonely. I'm going back to the dark ages of radio for a while.....or several DVDs played in a row.

Things I am telling myself to alleviate my homesickness:
  • I will only be 45-50 minutes away from home.
  • My cousin and his family live 30 seconds away.
  • I will be closer to my PT friends and can finally hang out with them!
  • I will be so much closer to my next clinical.
  • Although my cat will not like moving, she did used to live in this house, so maybe she will get re-acquainted with it faster (yes I am really worried about my cat...I love her so much). Plus she will have more room to run around and play.
  • If I find a job in May that is closer to home, I will just move back.
  • My brother said I can call him if anything goes wrong and he will take care of it, so I don't have to!
  • I will be living in a safe neighborhood with old rich people as my neighbors.
  • Kroger is one block away.
  • I will be able to park both of my cars in the garage for the wintertime.
  • My mom has a key and will come visit me (or at least she says she will).
  • I can come home and visit my mom whenever I want to (or at least she says I can).
  • My refrigerator has an ice maker on the outside.
  • I will have a dish washer (although I do not know how to use one).
So, these are all the things I will be telling myself over and over again for the next couple of months while I get used to such a big move. I could have made a list of all the things I'm scared about or all the things that will make me homesick, but that will just make me sad, so I am going to focus on the positives. Plus, Thanksgiving is coming up and I will definitely need a big family get-together about that time. So, since I won't have the internet for a while after tomorrow (as long as it doesn't rain and I do get moved), wish me luck and the next time I post, I should be settled in.

1 comment:

  1. Except for the being alone part this sounds like a very, very good deal. And I think you will deal ok with the transition. Sometimes it just takes a little time. Be patient with yourself. :)
