Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! Sorry it's a day late, but people are still lighting fire crackers, so I guess it still applies. My bitterness over not getting a long weekend for the holiday has subsided since I found out that I get to have Tuesday off this week and I'm planning to go golfing that day, so it should be a good time. So, the countdown until the end of this clinical is 5 days total, but only 4 working days. I hate to say it, but I'm ready to start counting the hours, although that would require me to think hard and this is the weekend, so I guess I won't.

I went to a cookout at my friends' house yesterday to celebrate the holiday. It wasn't a huge party, but it was something to do. It was actually supposed to be a pool party, but since the weather was cold and cloudy, it turned into a little gathering around the fire pit. It was a good time, but nothing too spectacular happened. I've come to realize just how boring my life has gotten lately, because all I ever have interesting stories to tell about is clinicals/work and school. I should probably work on getting a life beyond that.

Since the weather finally turned around and it's 80 and sunny, I plan to spend as much of the day outside as possible, which is exactly where I am going now. I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

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