Friday, July 17, 2009

To Do

And so, my 5 weeks of freedom begin...woohoo! But, technically, it's not really 5 free weeks, as everyone knows I've been complaining and complaining about all of the projects that I need to get done. My "to do" list for the next 5 weeks is pretty extensive, but I really do think that I can accomplish it if I could just get focused. Here it is for all of those who'd like to follow and see if I can really get all of this done in 35 days.

1. Finish my scholarly project. This means printing out all of the 100s of articles that I've found, reading them, and compiling them into a 20+ page literature review.

2. Learn everything I possibly can before taking my CSCS exam on August 29. I heard a rumor yesterday that there may actually be a "shortage" of employees at my dream job. Now, I'm not holding my breath or anything, but I do know for a fact that having my CSCS will give me a big boost over any other applicants that may apply next year. I'm also not even going to jinx my chances by saying where my dream job is. It's probably way out of my league and it will only ever be that...a dream, but I'll do whatever I can to get my foot in the door.

3. Compile the most @ss-kicking PT resume that has ever been written. This is going to be pretty difficult, since I haven't worked in 3 years. I'm going to have to come up with some random qualities about myself that I can brag about and just keep my fingers crossed that I can keep good relationships with all my CIs for good references.

4. Play 18 holes of golf with a score of less than 100. My initial goal was less than 80, but after golfing at DeMor last weekend, I think that's a bit too much to hope for this year, haha. So, I've revised my goal to a more achievable level.

5. Work out in some way, shape, or form for at least 30 minutes every day. This really isn't too much to ask for at all. I've been doing more resistance exercises and trying to ride my bike or go walking most days. Now that I'm on break, I should be able to do some sort of physical activity to get myself up off my butt and moving.

6. Purchase a new bed. I can honestly say now that I am tired (literally) of sleeping on this futon. Granted, it is a full-sized bed and it's much better than being cramped up in a twin bed...but I can't handle it anymore. Even with a memory foam mattress pad, it's starting to suck. The mattress is uneven and I always end up rolling to one side and making it more uneven. I'm looking now for a queen sized bed frame and mattress, and you know me, it won't be the cheap kind. I'm going to go all out and get something snazzy. I'm thinking about a sleep number mattress or an actual memory foam mattress...We'll see who wants to compete more for my business: the Sleep Shop or Rupp's Furniture.

7. Get the oil changed in my Malibu and have it looked over to make sure it's going to be drivable for the next year. Since I'm going to be driving to the hood/ghetto this fall for class, I refuse to drive my Mustang just to have it broken into and shot at. I have a feeling my little chevy is going to get a good 15,000 miles put on it by May with fall classes at Scott Park, clinicals at St. Luke's and Wildwood, and a 4th clinical that is yet to be determined.

8. Beat all the challenges in Tiger Woods 10 for Wii, just because I want to.

9. Fix this "farmer's tan" by studying while laying out all afternoon every day possible.

10. Clean/organize this entire upstairs. Clean out both closets and throw away all the junk that I haven't used in the past year, vacuum (ugh my least favorite thing to do), and rearrange all my furniture.


  1. Shoot under 100? Best of luck to you. Just don't plan on me ever sharing my scores. don't think I have ever broken 120 (enough said). Hope the tanning works out well. Just don't go getting skin cancer.

  2. I shot a 105 today! woohoo! I'm so close! :)

  3. boy I am a slacker... just noticed this reply. Nice job!
