Thursday, July 2, 2009

This negative attitude needs to change direction...

So...APPARENTLY, everyone else in my PT class has the day off tomorrow. I get to spend another lovely day at work. I can't really complain, I think I've lucked out so far with this clinical. However, can I just say that I am extremely jealous of those who only had to pay to work 32 hours this week? Especially since my CI has to take a day off next week to "make up for the holiday," yet I am still expected to be there Monday thru Friday as usual....sigh...I'm just experiencing another one of those "life's not fair" moments. I don't think tomorrow should be too stressful of a day, I'm just extremely jealous of all of the facebook status's stating "at the lake for a long weekend!" when I'm just spending another day at work and doing absolutely nothing exciting afterwards. How fun.

Lately, I feel like my positive attitude is fading away. For the past week, I've felt like I'm just "going through the motions" and making it through the day, when just a few weeks ago, I was having the time of my life and felt so fulfilled with the work I was doing. I don't know what happened exactly. I have a few theories - 1) I'm working 40 hours/week and not getting a paycheck, 2) One of our receptionists has been acting very irritated lately and taking it out on EVERYONE, 3) I have to work tomorrow when everyone else in my PT class has the day off, 4) my CI is getting a day off next week to make up for the 4th, yet I still have to go in and work, 5) I have no life beyond my clinical, studying for my CSCS exam, and working on my scholarly project, 6) I feel fat, 7) I was supposed to give a presentation on Tuesday that ended up getting canceled and rescheduled for next Tuesday, when my CI won't even be there to assess me on it, 8) we have a "somewhat" famous person at the hospital and I can't even tell anyone about it due to HIPPA laws (but don't worry, it's not a celebrity or anything, just a local famous person), 9) I am getting WORSE, not better, at Tiger Woods 10 for Wii, and 10) I AM TIRED!

With any luck, this negative attitude will subside and I'll regain the positive attitude I had a few weeks ago. After tomorrow, I only have one week left at this clinical and I had better make the most of it! It's the closest one I have to home, so I better enjoy the 30 minute commute while it lasts. Besides, I'm going to be applying for jobs next year, and while acute care isn't my top choice, I may not HAVE a choice so I better keep making a good impression. I can do this for one more week, easily. I just need to keep thinking about that big reward in May 2010.

1 comment:

  1. hey, justtesting21 here (tim). One more week should be doable. I remember when a somewhat famous person was at our facility. It seems a shame not to be able to say anything but, rules are rules. :( sorry you left the other place but I do understand the whole privacy thing. don't want potential employers or anyone else finding you. This place looks pretty good.
