Monday, April 12, 2010

news and happenings...

No new posts in a can tell I'm slacking, or stressing, one or the other.

I'm continuously stressing about graduation and taking the NPTE and laws exam and getting licensed. I've said enough about that. All I ever do is complain about it and it pretty much controls my life, but it is what it is and soon it will be all done and over with. I've just got to be thankful that I have JOB and that I'm actually getting trained at my job ahead of time so that I won't feel like an idiot when I actually start.

Speaking of my clinical (since it's not really my job yet), things are going well. I'm getting more and more involved in the patients' care every day and I am starting to get a lot more confident. It's nice to have my colleagues asking me what I think about when my patients might be ready to go home and asking for my input on things. It makes me feel good that I am finally a part of a team and that I'm starting to get recognized for all of my hard work. I'm not perfect by any means, but I'm learning more and more and that counts for something.

There's not a whole lot else new in this boring life of mine. All I do is go to my clinical, come home and study, and try to get things accomplished from that to-do list below. I wish I had something more exciting to say, but this is pretty much my life: work all day, sit at my desk with The Weather Channel on in the background for "noise" while I'm studying, complain about my life when I really shouldn't, go to bed, do it all over again.

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