Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One down, One to go

Well a bit of good news has come today - I passed the Ohio Laws exam! It's definitely the easier of the two exams I have to take, but it's over and I'm done with it! I'm so excited! Only the NPTE stands between me and a license to practice physical therapy. Well...actually I'm still waiting on UT to send my paperwork in so I can even take the NPTE, but that is out of my control.

Nothing else is new with me. I'm glad I took the Ohio test yesterday, because now I know exactly where I need to go to take the NPTE when I eventually take it and I know what to expect. It's always so much more nerve-wracking when you don't know what part of the building to go to and if your forms of identification are acceptable, etc. Now I know it's going to be fine, even though my driver's license is cracked, it's still an acceptable form of ID.

So now it's back to the grind of studying hard day after day for the NPTE. I can't wait until all of this studying is over. We've had such nice weather lately that it's been very distracting. All I want to do is go sit outside! It's been sunny and high 80s and it's supposed to continue that way all week. It makes me really wish I had a house with a pool or pond or that I lived on a lake! Maybe someday if I can pass this exam, that will happen!

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