Thursday, September 24, 2009


I'm currently procrastinating on writing the conclusion to my scholarly project. Although it's still a rough draft and won't be finished completely, it'll still be a relief to have it done. My goal was to get it done this morning before class, but I'm not sure I can make myself work that hard. I've been feeling pretty unmotivated this week, and that's really going to come back and bite me. There are only 2 more weeks of class after this and a lot of things to accomplish in that time. I know I can get it done, but I really have to get focused!

This weekend is the big Fayette Fall Fest, although it is supposed to rain that day :( I don't know if I'll even get to spend much time up there, other than to eat lunch and maybe walk around once. I probably will stop up at the softball tournament though. They're having a softball tournament that day for a boy (well, he's a teenager) in our town that has leukemia. It's a pretty sad situation, but this kid is amazing. He has kept good spirits the entire time since he was diagnosed. I know it's got to be difficult to have to miss school and make so many trips to the hospital. But he's kept a good attitude throughout it all. This situation really puts things into perspective. A lot of times, we complain about little things in our lives that really aren't that big of a deal, yet here is a 14 year old kid keeping a positive attitude throughout chemo treatments and trips in and out of the hospital. We are having a 24 hour prayer vigil for him at church this Saturday/Sunday. I signed up for 11:30pm. I highly recommend that anyone from around Fayette come whenever you can, even if it is just for 5 minutes. We want to have at least one person in the church for the whole 24 hour period. And trust me, if anyone would like to stay the night there, I am more than willing to stay too, just to make sure those 12am to 7am hours are covered!

With that being said, I have no complaints for this post. And the positive note for the day is - I am so blessed to live in such a loving community.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the vigil goes well and you don't fall asleep. It does sound like you live in a good community. :)
