Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Someone hold my head in place

Ugh, so today I don't feel very good. I don't have the flu or anything, but I have a headache and feel dizzy. I don't think it's anything to be too concerned about, because I've had these motion sickness / dizzy feelings off and on for years, but it's no fun when it happens over spring break. Today would have been the perfect day to go out for a run. The weather is amazing, even if it is not sunny. I just walked to the grocery store for some orange juice and Excedrin and was amazed at how warm it feels outside. I even have a window open.

On the not-so-good side, this headache is making it pretty much impossible to study my review book for boards. I can only study little bits at a time before my head starts spinning, but I'm still plugging away at it. One of my former CIs emailed me his letter of recommendation for me today. I read it and printed off a copy. It was a really nice letter. So even though I feel like crap today, maybe the letter will give me an edge next week at the job fair.

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