Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bills, Bills, Bills

Closing on the house this Friday! I am really excited :) Well, I'm excited, my bank account isn't. I'm still going to have to pay part of the closing costs because the bank has this policy where the sellers can only pay 3% of the purchase price, so who knows how much that is going to be. Plus I'll be making my down payment, which will take a huge chunk of money. I also just spent $1200 on furniture, $450 for the premium on my homeowners insurance, and $220 in paint and other supplies for the new house. Things add up very quickly this way! However, after Friday, I should be done spending so much money...Well, until I start paying back my student loans..sigh.

I spent over an hour on the phone this morning getting the electricity, gas, and tv/internet/phone ready to get set up at the new place. The electricity and gas should be turned on in my name on Friday. The tv/internet/phone has to wait until August 14! Looks like I will be sitting around for a while doing nothing if that's the case. I also went to the village office and had them get my water set up over at the house. So everything should be good to go! But we'll see. Something crazy always happens.

On top of all this, we are super swamped at work. It has been so busy, I can barely keep my head on straight. We are so short staffed right now with 2 people on vacation, 1 on maternity leave, and our full time PTA quit about a month ago (but there's a new one starting August 4). Right now, we have so many patients that almost every bed is full. That means, 2 beds in almost every room and it's very very cramped. My schedule for the day looks absolutely ridiculous every day I go in. I'm so glad I had today off, even if I do have to work on Saturday. I am going to enjoy every single second of this day. I don't know if I should be annoyed or flattered that the one day of the week that I am off, they called in extra people to help out (like people who work prn or as needed), so the schedule for today didn't look bad at all. However, those helpers aren't going to be there tomorrow, Friday, or Saturday, so when I get back, it's going to be crazy again. And I have to try to get to Archbold on my lunch hour on Friday to close on this house. It's going to be one stressful end of the week! But I'll take it in stride, because I officially really do need that paycheck now!

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