Thursday, July 1, 2010


I guess life is coming at me too fast to update very often! But, I'm enjoying the beginning of a long weekend, so a bit of a break feels good. I really can't complain. We're getting pretty busy at work, which makes the days go by faster, but it's also a lot more hectic. I'm really enjoying it. I am so thankful for my job and the people I work with. I have been so blessed. No job is ever perfect, but this is by far the most enjoyable job I have ever had. It's so rewarding. I feel like I'm finally where I was meant to be and am fulfilling my purpose here on this earth.

I have tomorrow off work as my "4th of July" holiday, so this is actually a long weekend for me. I'll be glad for some time to sleep in and relax! I also have Wednesday off work next week, because I work Saturday, so I'm already getting what feels like vacation time, without even taking any!

Other than work, I've just made the decision to run either a half marathon or a full marathon this October in Columbus. It's for a good cause. Our church is having a meeting this week to see how we can tie in running or walking it to raising money for a fundraiser for a boy in our town who has leukemia. I'm not sure exactly yet how we're going to tie in running or walking the marathon or half marathon into raising money for him, but I'm assuming we will just try to get sponsors for it and then go run or walk. I really want to run the full marathon if I can. It's for such a good cause. I think I could raise a lot more money if it was for my first full marathon. I'm pretty sure I can do it if I really put my mind to it and start training. Wish me luck. I'm going to have to stop being so lazy, that's for sure. I'm going to set a big goal (the full marathon) so that if I don't make it quite to that point, I can still make it to my smaller goal (the half marathon). It's going to be brutal either way, but I have faith that I can do it!

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