Sunday, July 11, 2010

Holding my eyelids open

I'm only writing this post today in an attempt to stay awake. This weekend has been very busy and tiring! Although I'm still so glad to NOT be studying, the process of trying to become a home-owner is almost as exhausting. The home inspector came today. The inspection took over 3 hours, but that's actually a good thing, because it means he was really really thorough and that makes me feel better. He found a few minor things that I already knew about, like a few doors that need trim and a place in the kitchen cabinets where some shelves had been removed that now have tiny holes in where the shelves were. He found a couple of drain pipes that should probably be checked out. The furnace and central air both worked, but he suggested having a professional come to clean the furnace just to be on the safe side. He did find that the crawl space was damp and needed to be aired out. However, the sump pump does work. He said that the best thing to do would be to air it out and then eventually have it insulated so it doesn't get as much water in it next time we have a big storm. All in all, he said it was a great house and there were no major concerns that should prevent me from moving in. So I'm excited! There are obviously a few things I need to do maintenance-wise, but overall, it's looking very positive! I'll feel better once everything goes through with the bank and the appraisal, but so far, so good.

Tomorrow I have my "official" orientation day for work at Bryan hospital. I guess this is where we take a tour of the hospital and all of the new renovations and watch all kinds of super exciting videos about patient rights and HIPAA and all that fun stuff. It should be 8-9 hours of pure excitement. But oh well...I'm getting paid for it. As long as there is free coffee involved, I'm all for it.

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